A head full of hair is important for any individual. Peeps who are bald or don't have frontal hair experience low confidence or emotional issues. Hair loss can significantly alter an individual’s appearance and can give a huge impact on an individual’s personality. Mostly, over-the-counter products are promising and assist in restoring hair. If you are going through any hair issues Dr Pranil More will assist you in gaining your confidence and look you better.
What is Front Hair Restoration?
Front hair balding is the common pattern of hair loss which is being observed in men above 30's. In medical terms, the front hair bladder is known as Widow's peak or frontal fibrosing alopecia. This condition impacts negatively the appearance of an individual that reduces their confidence. It is the initial stage of the male pattern baldness and the initial mark of hair thinning.
The loss of hair can happen from the scalp edging the forehead and it can happen on the eyebrows and the armpits. This condition occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. It is a nightmarish pattern that can be treated through medical and clinical procedures. To avoid this condition an individual can maintain a proper diet to combat this issue.
On average people lose over 50 to 100 hairs a day that is usually unnoticeable because of growing new hair. This condition can occur due to the following reasons:
- Family history
- A stressful event
- Auto immune diseases that affect hair
- Hormonal changes
- Infection that causes hair problem
- Physical trauma
- Medical conditions
Front Hair Restoration Procedure
The hair restoration procedure can be done in the following ways:
- The FUE procedure is used for front hair restoration to demark the site that is used for the donor site and recipient site.
- The donor site will not yield enough grafts for the patient's area. Subsequently, hair grafts form the other parts of the body.
- To firm the hair grated the hair follicles are taken out with accuracy from the donor site. It is an advanced technology as it extracts hair one by one for every graft.
- Each graft will have more than 1 hair strand and a maximum 3 to 5.
- The whole procedure is based on the quick turnaround where all the follicles taken out from the donor site are implanted on the patient’s site.
- FUE is invasive and it has a high success rate, zero scars and recovers in a short period.
- Fusion Aesthetic Clinic helps you to get a better look, gain confidence and personality.
Benefits of Frontal Hair Restoration
- Enhances appearance
- Less pain more gain
- Fuller & thicker hair
- No scarring
- High success rate
- No bald spots
- Boost self-confidence
- Low possibility of complication
- Fast recovery
Recovery of Frontal Hair Treatment
Few tips to recover from the treatment are as follows:
- At least for 3 days don’t wash your hair or shower
- Don’t comb or brush the new hair for at least 21 days
- Use unscented shampoos for few weeks
- Don’t wear beanies, hats or other clothing
- Eventually, you can start to experience a difference after 90 days
Dr Pranil More is a highly professional dermatologist his ultimate goal is to heal patients as quickly as possible. He ensures to give a quality treatment to prevent further complications.
Disclaimer: Every patient’s recovery and results may vary from person to person